Special gravel and sand
16/10/2017Silica sand
16/10/2017Clay is basically crushed brick or tile dust, used for the construction of tennis courts, but not just any brick dust will do. It is very important that it has the right granulometry and a deep reddish colour, so that the tennis ball can look good.
A tennis court consists of the following:
In the lower part it is necessary that the ground where the court is to be made is firm and has no soft spots.
In the next layer, from 10 to 15 cm, it is good to put a layer of volcanic stone 0-20 mm. or similar, this stone accumulates the water and allows the water to rise upwards to keep the court wet by itself.
In the next layer, 7 to 10 cm. of fine gravel, 1-3 mm. This layer should be compacted and stabilised to create a firm pavement but still allow moisture to rise from the layer below and from the layer above when it rains or is watered.
Finally, and most importantly, a layer of clay approximately 2 – 3 mm thick, this allows the player to slide and provides the colour contrast with the ball, which is as important for the player as it is for the spectator.
Tennis Clay Courts