Pure White resin pebble
31/05/2018Blue Grey Resin pebble
11/06/2018Black resin pebble
An intense black pebble, this black stone is of the most intense black colour on the market, especially mixed with resin. Perfectly granulated to use with resins, this stone is washed and dry.
2-6 mm granulometry
Washed and dry pebble
The black Igea pebble has a brown vein, it is the natural vein of the stone and it can oxidize over time. But if used with resins it won’t, because the resin closes the pores and the pebble will always be like it was on the first day.
Unit of sale
This pebble is available in bulk, in 1000 kg big bag, in 500 kg big bag, in 250 kg big bag and in 20 kg plastic bag.
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